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T-Minus two hours...

It's the eve of my 33rd birthday. I always liked being odd numbers more. Thirty-three doesn't seem scary. It's sort of how I felt about being twenty-three. Solidly in my decade, over whatever weirdness I felt about it, and ready to thrive. This is a blog I'm keeping for my own accountability. Beyond that, I really don't have many expectations. Maybe I'll open this to friends down the road, but I'm in no rush. It's comforting that I know my own patterns by this point. I burn out hard and fast on my indevors. I'd rather take it slow this time and have something to show for myself, rather than cry wolf again. I weigh about 220 pounds. This is a little shocking, mostly because I recently figured out the scale I had been using was acting fritzy. I thought I was a good 10 pounds lighter, which still is not great. I am hoping to get down to 140. So, I have roughly 80 pounds to lose. My goal is to tackle this within a year. I'm going to be doing the

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